The First Holy Communion
In the sacrament of Holy Communion, we first receive the Eucharist, the body and blood of Jesus in the form of bread and wine. This amazing gift was instituted at the Last Supper, when Jesus shared the first eucharist with his apostles, and it is the same sacrament that we celebrate today in the Holy Mass.
‘There is nothing so great as the Eucharist. If God had something more precious He would have given it to us.’ Saint John Vianney
The Sacrament of the Eucharist is an important step in all our lives as Catholics. It is this step, our very First time of receiving the Holy Eucharist that brings us into Communion with Jesus Christ. It is an incredibly important step we are helping our child make. Their journey with Christ will last an eternity, help them make positive steps throughout their lifetime starting with their First Reconciliation and their First Holy Communion.
We use the Growing Up Catholic Programme, which is a wonderful resource and can be as immersive and transformative as you would like it to be. Here is the link to the Website https://www.growingupcatholic.com so that you can have a sneak preview and just see how wonderful the resources are that can help you prepare your child for his or her journey in faith.
Our Preparation classes can be accessed in each of our three churches. Simply select one of our churches in which to complete your First Holy Communion Preparation. You can enrol your child on the First Holy Communion course before they finish year 2, so that they are included on the course which starts in the October as they begin Year 3 at School.
We are all one big happy family in Christ, and you will find the engagement with your church family welcoming and supportive. The more you interact with your church family the more enjoyable you will find this whole experience and the more you can reach out to us and to each other for support in how to answer those all-important and sometimes difficult ‘why’ questions.
This booklet of information tells you what to do, what to bring with you to each session, what to wear on the day of the First Holy Communion, where to car park - around the three churches and much more. This is your go-to-book, and we hope you find it helpful whilst you are on this course.